Eight Lokiya Dhammas are the eight worldly experiences that everyone faces in life. These are situations that can affect anyone – whether rich or poor, wise or ordinary. They are:
- Gain (Lābha) – Receiving something good, like wealth, success, or rewards.
- Loss (Alābha) – Losing something valuable, like money, failure, or losing a loved one.
- Fame (Yasa) – Getting recognition, popularity, or respect.
- Infamy (Ayasa) – Facing criticism, blame, or dishonor.
- Pleasure (Sukha) – Feeling happiness, joy, or comfort.
- Pain (Dukkha) – Experiencing sorrow, suffering, or discomfort.
- Praise (Pasansa) – Receiving compliments, appreciation, or admiration.
- Blame (Ninda) – Facing criticism, scolding, or accusations.
Why Do These Happen?
These experiences occur because life is impermanent (Anicca). Everything in this world keeps changing – happiness follows sorrow, and honor is followed by dishonor. This cycle continues endlessly.
- When we get Gain, we feel happy. But when there is Loss, we feel sad.
- Fame boosts our ego, but Infamy makes us angry.
- During Pleasure, we want to hold on to it, and during Pain, we want to escape it.
- Praise makes us proud, but Blame makes us upset or angry.
This happens because we attach these experiences to our ego (self-identity). We think, “This is mine,” or “I did this,” which binds us to these emotions.
How to Remain Unaffected?
- Develop Equanimity (Upekkha):
- Maintain mental balance – stay calm and steady in all situations.
- Understand that everything is impermanent (Anicca).
- Pleasure and pain, gain and loss, fame and infamy – all are temporary and keep changing.
- Let Go of Ego (Ahankara):
- Drop the feeling of “mine” or “I.”
- Whether it’s gain or loss, it’s just an experience, not you.
- When you stop linking it to yourself, you remain unaffected.
- Practice Meditation:
- Through Vipassana meditation, understand the nature of the mind.
- When a situation arises, observe it instead of reacting to it.
- This practice makes the mind calm and stable.
- Reflect on Death (Maranānussati):
- Remember that life is temporary, and death is certain.
- This reduces attachment and brings detachment (Vairagya).
- Follow the Teachings of Buddha:
- Practice the Dhamma – it helps in understanding the reality of life.
- Stay in the company of wise and like-minded people (Satsang).
- Study the Dhammapada and Sutta Pitaka for deeper insights.
Example to Understand:
- When you receive Praise, don’t get overly happy, and when you face Blame, don’t get overly sad.
- When you get Gain, don’t become arrogant, and when there is Loss, don’t feel defeated.
- Don’t try to cling to pleasure, and don’t try to run away from pain.
Just like the sun rises and sets, these experiences also come and go. We should observe them with equanimity (Upekkha).
- Eight Lokiya Dhammas are a natural part of life, but getting attached to them leads to suffering.
- To remain unaffected, practice equanimity, detachment, and mindfulness.
- By following the Path of Buddha and practicing meditation, one can achieve inner peace.