Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad-this ancient Sanskrit verse shares the key to the sustainable art of living.

The Ati Sarvatra Varjayet अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत् Shloka emphasizes the importance of limiting oneself to appropriate limits and not crossing extreme boundaries.
We all look for the good in our lives, but we should keep this thing in mind that excess of everything is bad.
Balance is very important in our lives, and we should also seek balance in our lives.
Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | excess of everything is bad in Sanskrit
अतिदानाद्धतः कर्णस्त्व् अतिलोभात् सुयोधनः ।
अतिकामाद्दशग्रीवस्त्व् अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत् ॥

atidānāddhataḥ karṇastv
atilobhāt suyodhanaḥ |
ati sarvatra varjayet ||
Ati Sarvatra Varjayet Pronunciation
Some people find it difficult to pronounce the Sanskrit Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad, and that is quite alright.
You don’t need to be worried about it, as we have the solution for it. Pronouncing “Ati Sarvatra Varjayet” अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत् is not a hectic task.
And, just the translation of the Sanskrit Sloka in Roman Hindi will help you pronounce it the right way.

The translation is “Ati Sarvatra Varjayet”.
And, if we break it down, it can go like,
A-teee Sar-vatr- Var-jay-et
The “a” in Sarvatra, at last, will not be sounded like a proper “a” and the “jay” in Varjayet can be explained as you can pronounce it as “j” only as well.
Ati Sarvatra Varjayet| Excess of Everything is the bad Meaning
It’s a simple quote or sloka and doesn’t actually need long meanings and explanations.

Ati means “exceedingly or extremely”, while Sarvatra means “completeness”, and varjayet means “must give up”.
But, basically, ‘Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad’ contains a wholesome meaning and it explains that we should live our life in moderation and keep our desires and wants in control.
Because something good for you might be bad for others if it is in excess. If we look at the word it explains itself.

“Excess” automatically means more than required, making it harmful.
Undoubtedly, life is full of beautiful things, but we can’t even overdo this beauty.
Some things are good to eat, some things are good to smell, some things are good to wear.
But it will all become useless, and sometimes harmful if these things are done in excess.
There is no place for excess in life, and life is beautiful if things are in order and balanced.
And, achieving that balance in life is really necessary for a happy and healthy life.
If you will ask and desire many things, you will always be unhappy and you will always feel like your life is incomplete.
On the other hand, if you do things in moderation, you will eventually lead a stress-free sustainable life.
When we look for balance in every other aspect of our life, we should always look for a balanced life all over.
Undoubtedly, it’s the key to a happy life. We always say going to extremes is bad, and extremism is bad.
Extremism in hate leads to war, and extremism in love leads to a doubtful and over-possessive life, so why can’t we understand that extremism in the mundane matters of life is bad as well?

Extremes always involve risk and it will not bring anything good to you ultimately making your life difficult.
Hence, it’s really important to achieve that equilibrium in your life, that you should not exceed.
This old proverb ‘Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad’ is a guide for doing anything in moderation helping us to live a balanced life.
Ati Sarvatra Varjayet| Excess of Everything is bad Source
This old proverb ‘Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad’ what you like to call it is included within the Mahāsubhāṣitasaṃgraha (महासुभाषितसंग्रह, maha-subhashita-samgraha / subhasita-sangraha).
It is a compendium of Sanskrit aphorisms (subhāṣita) that are collected from various sources.
Subhāṣita is a genre of Sanskrit literature that exposes the vast and rich cultural heritage of ancient India.
Sanskrit holds the descriptions and vast literature on various topics like Architecture, Music, Botany, Surgery, Ethics, Philosophy, Dance, and much more.
Most of India’s cultural heritage is preserved in Sanskrit. Also, it’s the language of three religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
The Mahāsubhāṣitasaṃgraha is a collection of various sources; hence it highlights the mundane matters of life including some ethical and moral principles.
This old ‘Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad’ is the perfect guidance for leading a balanced life with the precautions of extremism.
This sloka ‘Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad’ gives the examples of:
- The Rakshasa Emperor Bali who was bound by his limitless sacrifice- the sacrifice he made to Vamana against the advice of his teacher Sukracharya
- Suyodhana, the eldest son of Dhritarashtra, died of limitless pride/self-respect.
- Ravana died of limitless lust.

Bali met his end because of the limitless sacrifice, it’s not like sacrifice is a bad thing even it’s the most important thing in a relationship, but the extreme of this sacrifice can harm you as well.
On the other hand, Duryodhana was killed because of his excessive pride, and lust beyond control brought the end of Ravanna.
Overindulgence in the tendencies became the reason for the downfall of these three hence giving us the lesson of too much of anything and everything is bad.
Ati Sarvatra Varjayet| Excess of Everything is bad Quotes
“Excess of Everything is bad. Some of us are attracted to Good. But the universe tries to maintain balance. So what is good for some may end up being bad for others… Agriculture is good for us humans as it gives us an assured supply of food, but it is bad for the animals that lose their forest and grazing land.“
— Amish Tripathi
Amish Tripathi explained this old saying in the right manner.
He explained it with human nature and its urge to attract good things, and how the universe always tries to keep things in balance.
So, if you think this thing is good for you and you want it, the same thing can be very bad for another person or anything.

“Everything in excess is opposed to nature.”
Nature always looks for equilibrium and going against nature is harmful as we all know. So, how about living a moderate life as per how nature has planned it for us.
“Excess of everything is worst, even if it is best otherwise.”
Just like good tasty food, exercise, and even money can be harmful to us if we don’t designate a limit for everything that we desire in our lives.
Nothing can be limitless and drawing a line between overdoing and moderation is important.
Excess of everything is just poison, even the nectar can cause you to harm if it is more than required.
Similarly, the proverb even applies to sincerity, loyalty, and innocence as well. Anything of too much is bad, and even these noble qualities are too much, they might be of harm to you.
“Anything in excess is bad except knowledge because there is no such thing as an excess of knowledge, you are always learning.”
-Ayush Agarwal
Knowledge has no limits, and you can never reach a stage where you have learned everything and you have enough knowledge.
Sometimes, a small child will teach you anything that you haven’t read in your thick books, and sometimes we need an accident to learn how life really is.
Essay on the Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad:
‘Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad and we should avoid it.
Excess on everything is bad is usually indicated towards the good things in life to remind us that if we do good things in excess, they can also cause us danger just like the bad things in life.
As with anything in life, too little is bad for you, and too much is bad for you.
As we all know that too many calories can be unhealthy and if you take it too little, more likely you will not survive.
The amounts of anything you take or ingest determine the effects on your body.
Any person who is moderate, modest, and contented will be the happiest man on the planet.
Thus, we should always avoid an excessive amount of anything in our lives.
Moderation in anything is the safest course of our lives and the key to lasting happiness is to stay inside bounds and discipline one’s life.
Usually, the sentimental attitude is the main cause of emotions crossing the boundary line.
This condition arises when something is loved out of proportion, and if something is hated out of proportion we cross the line of emotions and develop an Egoistic attitude.
But, these emotions and likings should have a boundary line so that our emotions stay in equilibrium.
But, unfortunately, human nature starts liking some more than the limited proportion and then becomes sentimental about it.
This sentimental attitude then leads the people to sycophancy which is the worst thing that veils the perception and creates an illusion.
This thing also applies in politics and religions. And, the religious and political leaders take advantage of the sycophancy of their followers.
The followers then get sentimental and at that instant, they are prospective fanatics, radicals, activists, or protesters.
People often ask how they will know that it’s getting more than required. How much is too much?
What is the limit to knowing that the things of my liking are started to cause a problem for me?
The simple answer is, that when the things I like are causing me to hate others or it is letting others hate me because I should realize that I have crossed the limit of liking.
This gentle reminder means that you should apply brakes to your liking.
We should always take the center course; the middle way is always the best in anything in our lives.
Because, if we do things at extreme or hyper extensively, we will most likely suffer in some way, and if we do things less, it will harm you.
So, taking the middle way is the safest option and the golden principle is to keep our lives in balance.
Hence, it is a great universal belief that Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad.
Is excess of everything is bad?
You may think that this old proverb ‘Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad’ contains any reality or not?
But, it contains. Yes! Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad and you can realize it even by looking at your mundane matters of life.
Too much love can spoil your partner and in extreme cases, it can lead to heartbreak as well.
While, too much hate on individual levels can lead to the breakage of family relations, and sometimes extreme reactions like murders.
The love for property and the love for money often result in extremely harmful results.
Similarly, if the hate is on the community level, it leads to the bloodshed of whole communities, and we have examples of it.
Hate for other countries and the love for ultimate success than others leads to war and we have seen it in the form of World Wars and the bloodshed of innocents years before.
And, if we continue to do so in this modern world, we will pay a very heavy price for it.

Similarly, excess calories in our diets lead to weight gain resulting in different harmful diseases.
Even the most delicious and nutritious food can only be consumed at a limit and after that, it will cause discomfort.
Money is the cause of many root evils, and its love will then show you how dangerous money can be.
The excess sleep in our lives ultimately makes a person lazy. And, work in excess; even if it is good for us it will make us workaholics.
There is no place for extra and excess in our life. You can only enjoy the bounties of life if you keep them in equilibrium.
Having too much of anything will have consequences, and this is how addiction happens.
If you get used to certain things too much, it will change your immediate reaction towards them.
Sometimes the reaction is physical, and sometimes it’s mentally, and most often it is both.
Moderation of that excessive element will no longer satisfy the needs of the addict, and he will crave more and more.
If you take it all away, it can either be fatal, physically damaging, or psychologically damaging.
“Life is only beautiful if everything is in balance.”
Basically, it means that if you are not maintaining balance in your life then rebalancing will naturally occur as a natural phenomenon and it can be painful.
Why too much of everything is bad?
Anything you do in excess will burn you out in the end. We should love a child, but if the child persists in doing wrong things, you should admonish him as well.
If we tend to love babies to an excessive amount, without a doubt the child will be spoilt.
Child care in excess is called pampering, ultimately leading to the way of a spoiled child. Although, it’s beneficial to exercise daily.
However, if we do it excessively, it might lead to muscle fatigue and we tend to get sick.
Even professional athletes suffer aching limbs in their old age, and if we don’t exercise it may also lead to aching and weak limbs in old age.
Exercise in balance is a smart way to live a healthy life.
Milk is a wholesome diet and an ideal food and is consumed daily as an essential part of our diet.
Interestingly if one takes it in excess, one is certain to suffer from infectious disease and upset stomach.
On the other hand, sugar is sweet but an overdose of it spoils the teeth and makes our dishes distasteful.
If it’s in too little quantity, it takes away the sweetness in our diet.

Excess sugar leads you to diabetes, and excess salt leads you to hypertension or Blood pressure to be precise.
Mango is the king of all fruits, and helps in improving complexion, tones heart, stimulates hunger, and is helpful in liver disorders, loss of weight, and several other physical disturbances.
But, if it is taken in excess, it will lead to positive and noticeable harm.
A king should be kind and sympathetic towards his public or people. But, if some evil element rises and rebels against them, he should have the capability to fight back.
Because, if he is too kind and weak-minded, most likely it will go against him and his people.
He must be ruthless to fight those rowdy elements and crush those rebels with an iron hand.
Reading is a good habit, but if you tend to do it in excess; you will spoil your health and eyes.
Cinema is a useful thing but if a young man goes to the pictures every day and the youth starts to spend their lives excessively in entertainment, surely he is wasting money and neglecting his studies along with spoiling the eyesight.
On the other hand, working or even studying continuously or excessively will hamper efficiency and strain your brain.
Hence, we can conclude that even the best things in life are harmful if they are done in excess.
These all examples support the argument of why Ati Sarvatra Varjayet | Excess of Everything is bad, and why equilibrium in our lives is important.
Once we lose the balance of life, eventually we will lose the blessings of life.
The key to health, happiness, and prosperity is only to live a moderate life.