How to speak is one of the most important attributes associated with human beings. The greatest irony that the majority of the people are unaware of the “right speech” or “how to speak?”.

Right Speech is basically known as ” Samyak Vaca” in the Pali language. Samyak Vaca implies what is the right way to talk or speak or to express oneself. After birth, we learn how to express ourselves. Right speech is equally important because speech also determines our Karma. Each karma also brings with it karma-fruits. The very question arises here whether what we have been speaking since birth is not right. Each living one expresses itself for life-survival. The human being as a species is superior to others because he is in the highest position at the level of expression.
What is Karma

Mind, speech, and physical actions- all play a decisive role in determining the outcome of karma. Right speech is equally important. In the Eightfold path that Lord Buddha taught the world for the attainment of Nirvana, Samyak Vaca has an important place. The seekers and yogis rigorously follow the right speech in their life. Even ordinary people are expected to follow the right speech so that freedom from sorrows may possible. Four important elements have to be adhered to under the Samyak Vaca or Right Speech.
Speak Truth

A man should try to speak what is truth or facts and rather lies and untruths. A man usually and repeatedly tells lies to show arrogance, for false pretense, to show superiority, etc. If a man does not know anything, then he should say “I do not know” and if he knows, then he should say “I know” rather telling lies.
What is discrimination?

A man should avoid such words that create discrimination, rivalry, and differences among themselves. While such words should be used so that there establish agreement, harmony, and consensus among themselves.
Derogatory Remarks

Man uses abusive language for others due to ‘Ego’ and other reasons. He keeps on using insulting and vulgar words. But due to the ignorance or illusion of Mara, he does not understand that these actions will definitely bring their own bad effect based on the principle of Karma.
Idle Chatter

Man unnecessarily wastes his time while time is a precious one. The time- period for any particular thing is fixed. The man who respects time, Time in return also respects him. There is no importance to any work done after a certain time. Man wastes free time in vain or for fruitless and nonsense things. If there is leisure or free time, then also time can be used for one’s life goals, other’s good or for right purposes of life.

In life, it is not only the importance of speaking although what, when, and in what sense – it is the most important one. Speaking truth and fact in life– is the priority. Speaking time is also important. Not speaking many times in life is more effective than merely speaking. When to speak and when not to speak – It depends entirely on the right conscience. A man is blind or crippled – that is true. But a prudent person does not call him blind because the other may feel hurt. As much as a man is situated in his ‘”Own self” or has “stable wisdom”(sthitpragya), his each and every word will be equal to God. In this situation, words are thought to originate directly from the heart and not from the intellect. Human intelligence is limited while the heart is unlimited which is considered as related to ‘cosmic intelligence’. Important rules should be followed in the right speech or samyak vaca — speaking truth, speaking at the right time, speaking affectionate words, speaking beneficial words and keeping good thoughts towards someone while speaking. These are some small measures which the common people can easily follow in their life.
Mindful Speech

Speech mindfulness is practiced by Yogis and Seekers at a higher level for right speech (Samyak Vaca). Traditionally it is true that before speaking, one should think once about what he is saying and what will be the effect of it. Speech mindfulness is a practice in which the “Awareness” is maintained before and during the speaking. Untruth words produce tension in the body, depression in the mind, and contradiction in the heart. Unless the situation remains, the end of sorrow is not possible. The continuing practice of ‘speech mindfulness’ brings a situation when every word of life originates from the heart itself.
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