50 kabir ke dohe are quotes collection of his divine uttered words collected for humanity’s welfare.
Kabir Das was one of the greatest mystical saints of medieval India.
Kabir Das was one of the enlightened greatest personalities who taught the real meaning of spiritualism to humanity.
He was a man of revolutionary thoughts who tried to strike superstition, orthodoxy, and social evils.
The great mystic was way far ahead of his contemporary age in thoughts and ideas. The enlightened saint had no formal education; however, kabir das ji ke dohe and ‘Shabd’ give everlasting imprints on human minds.
Like Lord Buddha, he attained Nirvana in this very life and distributed the fruits to whole humanity till lifetime.
The birth and death of Saint Kabir are still one of the greatest mysteries in the spiritual world.
He showed the reality of the world and warned the human beings to be out of the grip of Maya or the illusion.
Kabir ke dohe is not only a mere collection of words but rather the key secrets of life which have the potential to transform lives.
Kabir ke dohe is still relevant and praiseworthy around the world.
The Kabirpathis not only in India but rather across the globe follows the great teachings encrypted in the form of dohe.
Here are some best of Kabir ke dohe.
सुखिया सब संसार है , खावै अरु सोवै |
दुखिया दस कबीर है , जागै अरु रोवै ||
अर्थ – यह सारा संसार सुखी है जो खाता और सोता है | कबीर दास दुखी है जो जागता है और रोता है |
जल में कुम्भ कुम्भ में जल है , बाहरि भीतरि पानी |
फूटा कुम्भ जल जलहि समानां , यह तत कथौ गियानी | |
अर्थ – जल में घड़ा है जिसके बाहर भी ब्रह्मरूप वारि है और अंदर भी है | बाह्यरूप का नाश हो जाने पर घड़े के अंदर का जल जिस प्रकार बाहरवाले जल में मिल जाता है | उसी प्रकार ब्रह्म रूप के अभ्यंतर का ब्रह्म भी अपने बाह्य ब्रह्म में समा जाता है |
मो को कहाँ ढूँढे बन्दे मैं तो तेरे पास में |
ना मैं देवन , ना मैं मस्जिद , ना काबे कैलास में ||
अर्थ- मुझको कहा ढूंढते हो , मै तो हमेशा तुम्हारे समीप ही हु | न तो मै किसी देवालय में हु , न किसी मस्जिद में और न ही काबा में ही और न ही कैलाश में ही |
माया मुई न मन मुवा , मरि मरि गया सरीर |
आसा तृस्नाँ ना मुई , यो कहि गया कबीर ||
अर्थ -न ही तो यह माया ही मिटी न ही यह मन ही शांत हुआ लेकिन इन प्रयासों में शरीर जैसे मिट ही गया | कबीर कहते है कि यह इतनी बलवती है कि आशा और तृष्णा भी समाप्त नहीं होती |
निर्गुण राम जपहु रे भाई |
अविगत की गति लखि न जाई ||
अर्थ -कबीर उस राम की उपासना करने का सन्देश देते है जो निराकार है , अरूप है , असीम है और अगोचर है |
माया महाठगिनी हम जानी |
त्रिगुणी फाँस लिए कर डोले , बोले माधुरी बानी ||
अर्थ- यह माया जिसको हम जानते है वह महाठगिनी है | माया ने पुरे जगत को सत् , रज और तम तीन गुणों में बाँट रखा है साथ ही यह माया मीठी बोली बोलती है |
पाहन पूजे हरि मिले , तो मैं पूंजूँ पहाड़ |
या तो या चक्की भली , जो पीस खाय संसार | |
अर्थ -कबीर कहते है अगर पत्थर पूजने से भगवान् मिलते है तो मै पहाड़ पूजने को तैयार हूँ | इससे तो भली वह चक्की है जिसमे पीसे अनाज से पूरी दुनिया के लोगों का पेट भरता है|
कांकर -पाथर जोरि कै , मस्जिद लिया चुनाय |
ता चढ़ी मुल्ला बाँग दे , क्या बहरा हुआ खुदाय ||
अर्थ – कबीर कहते है कंकड़ और पत्थर जोड़ -जोड़ के मस्जिद और मीनारों को खड़ा कर दिया गया | उस पर चढ़ कर मुल्ला जोर -जोर से अल्लाह को आवाज़ देता है , क्या खुदा बहरे है ?
पोथी पढ़ि-पढ़ि जग मुआ, पंडित भया न कोय ।
ढाई आखर प्रेम का, पढ़े सो पंडित होय ।।
अर्थ -पुस्तकें और ग्रंथों को पढ़कर संसार में कितने ही लोग मर गए, लेकिन कोई भी सच्चे अर्थो में पंडित न हो सके। वही मनुष्य पंडित बन सकता है जो प्रेम के ढ़ाई अक्षर को पढ़ने में सफल रहता है |
साईं इतना दीजिए, जा में कुटुंब समाय |
मैं भी भूखा न रहूं, साधु भी ना भूखा जाय ||
अर्थ – हे परमात्मा, मुझे केवल इतना दीजिए जिससे मेरे कुटुंब अर्थात परिवार का गुजारा चल जाए। इतना ही पर्याप्त हो कि मैं भी भूखा न रहूं और कोई अतिथि भी मेरे द्वार से भूखे वापस न जाए।
He was a mystical poet and an Indian saint in the 15th century, and his thoughts can really positively influence everyone’s life.
50 Kabir ke dohe serves as a great inspiration to humanity across the globe.
Here are the 50 Kabir ke dohe which potentially have transformed the lives of the millions on this planet.
- What is God? He is the breath inside the breath. -kabir ke dohe

- He is the real Guru Who can reveal the form of the formless before your eyes; who teaches the simple path, without rites or ceremonies; Who does not make you close your doors, and hold your breath, and renounce the world. –kabir ke dohe

- I went in search of a bad person; I found none as I, seeing myself, found me the worst.–kabir ke dohe

- If you don’t break your ropes while you’re alive, do you think ghosts will do it after? -kabir ke dohe

- The sun is within me, and so is the moon. -kabir ke dohe

- When the flower opens, the bees will come. -kabir ke dohe

- I felt in need of a great pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days, and God came to me. -kabir ke dohe

- If you haven’t experienced it, it’s not true. -kabir ke dohe

- Many have died; you also will die. The drum of death is being beaten. The world has fallen in love with a dream. Only sayings of the wise will remain. -kabir ke dohe

- All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop. -kabir ke dohe

- But if a mirror ever makes you sad, you should know that it does not know you. -kabir ke dohe

- If you want the Truth, I’ll tell you the Truth: Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you. -kabir ke dohe

- A learned man’s knowledge will be of no avail to him if he doesn’t have control over his tongue. -kabir ke dohe

- When you feel most alive, find out why This is one guest you won’t greet twice. -kabir ke dohe

- Listen, my friend! He who loves understands. -kabir ke dohe

- Listen to the secret sound, the real sound, which is inside you. The one no one talks of speaks the secret sound to himself, and he is the one who has made it all. -kabir ke dohe

- The Lord is in me, the Lord is in you, as life is in every seed, put false pride away and seek the Lord within. -kabir ke dohe

- I don’t think there is such a thing as an intelligent mega-rich person. For who with a fine mind can look out upon this world and hoard what can nourish a thousand souls. -kabir ke dohe

- Live the veil that obscures the heart, and there you will find what you are looking for. -kabir ke dohe

- Listen, my friend. He who loves understands. -kabir ke dohe

- Slowly O mind! Everything in own pace happens, Gardener may water a hundred buckets. Fruit arrives only in its season. -kabir ke dohe

- Faith, Waiting in the heart of a seed, Promises a miracle of life that cannot prove at once. -kabir ke dohe

- You have left Your Beloved and are thinking of others: and this is why your work is in vain. -kabir ke dohe

- Do not keep the slanderer away, treat him with affection and honor: Body and soul, he scours all clean, babbling about this and that. -kabir ke dohe

- The home is the abiding place; in the home is reality; the home helps to attain Him Who is real. So stay where you are, and all things shall come to you in time. -kabir ke dohe

- Whether I will be in the temple or in the balcony, in the camp or the flower garden, I tell you truly that every moment my Lord is taking His delight in me. -kabir ke dohe

- Just throw away all thoughts of imaginary things, and stand firm in that which you are. -kabir ke dohe

- When at last you come to the ocean of happiness, do not go back thirsty. -kabir ke dohe

- The Kazi is searching the words of the Quran, and instructing others: but if his heart is not steeped in that love, what does it avail, though he is a teacher of men? -kabir ke dohe

- Between the poles of the conscious and the unconscious, there has the mind made a swing: Thereon hang all beings and all worlds, and that swing never ceases its sway. -kabir ke dohe

- Only they are pure who’ve completely cleansed their thinking. -kabir ke dohe

- So long as man clamors for the I and Mine, his works are as naught: When all love of the I and the Mine is dead, then the work of the Lord is done. -kabir ke dohe

- What you want to do tomorrow, do it today. What you want to do today, do it right now. -kabir ke dohe

- As the river enters into the ocean, so my heart touches Thee. -kabir ke dohe

- I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty. I laugh when I hear that people go on pilgrimage to find God. -kabir ke dohe

- Be quiet in your mind, quiet in your senses, and also quiet in your body. Then, when all these are quiet, don’t do anything. In that state, the Truth will reveal itself to you. -kabir ke dohe

- What is a holy person? The one who is aware of others’ suffering. -kabir ke dohe

- He is the real Guru Who makes you perceive the Supreme Spirit whenever the mind attaches itself; Who teaches you to be still in the midst of all your activities. -kabir ke dohe

- Only in the heart can one experience the divine presence of Truth. -kabir ke dohe

- The fish in the water that is thirsty needs serious professional counseling. -kabir ke dohe

- The man who is kind and who practices righteousness, who remains passive against the affairs of the world, who considers all creatures on earth as his own Self, attains the Immortal Being; the true God is ever with him. -kabir ke dohe

- Wherever you are is the entry point. -kabir ke dohe

- The Beloved is inside you and also inside me. You know the tree is hidden inside the seed. Let your arrogance go. None of us has gone far. Inside love, there is more power than we realize. -kabir ke dohe

- All darkness vanished when I saw the Lamp within my heart. -kabir ke dohe

- I sell mirrors in the city of the blind. -kabir ke dohe

- The Truth of love is the Truth of the universe: it is the Lamp of the soul that reveals the secrets of darkness. -kabir ke dohe

- The river that flows in you also flows in me. -kabir ke dohe

- Music without words means leaving behind the mind. And leaving behind the mind is meditation. Meditation returns you to the source. And the source of all is sound. -kabir ke dohe

- Love does not grow on trees or brought in the market, but if one wants to be “loved,” one must first know how to give unconditional love. -kabir ke dohe

- Listen to your own Self. If you listen to that Self within, then you find the Truth. -kabir ke dohe
