The mind has a natural tendency either to muddle in past or in the future. The mind never wants to stay in the present moment which is the reality of life. The mind never wants to accept the reality of what is happening just right now. Why mind does so? The psychologist or psychiatrist explains this deviation from a scientific perspective. However, spiritualism perceives the deviation of the mind in different realms. If you are on the path of awareness and develop a little bit of insight to observe the mind, you can see the mind always try to muddle past actions, memories, consequences, etc. Similarly, the mind tries to muddling out future plans, their consequences, associated apprehensions, and unrealistic worries.
Now observe the mind deep inside, you will see either in the past or in the future, it creates either craving or aversion to any particular person, place, or some incidents. The craving is the result of our specific desires which is the root cause of all our suffering. Mind also tries to escape and create aversion from certain person, place, situation, circumstances, etc. The mind works on certain habitual processes. Once it develops specific craving or aversion, now it becomes part of our life which lies at this moment. When your craving is not fulfilled, it creates great suffering in your life. Similarly, when any situations or circumstances for which your mind had developed aversion, arise, it also create great suffering in your life. This leads to instability of the mind. Remember an unstable mind cannot walk a single step on the path of spiritualism. The only solution to this problem is equanimity of mind. You must have to practice to be equal in any situation. You have to be in the present moment of life which the ultimate truth. In the present moment, don’t create any craving or aversion to any entities. Be remain neutral towards it. If it is hot, don’t try to avert from it, feel it, observe it neutrally. If you are being praised, don’t make a craving towards it, observe it neutrally.

This is the ultimate situation that starts the process of awareness in your life. This is the point where you start to see and observe things in reality rather than an illusion as your mind’s deviation in past and future. Such practice in everyday life will make you possess a ‘stable mind’. The stable mind has no kind of suffering, it is untouched from all the worries. It is on the path of true liberation.