Shubham Karoti Kalyanam शुभं करोति कल्याणं mantra in this design brings great wellbeing, bliss, flourishing, and propitiousness to your home and the family.
We all know that India is so rich in culture and traditions; different things signify different traditions and cultures. Shubham Karoti Kalyanam शुभं करोति कल्याणं is one such song.

A popular song that is usually sung and chanted while lightening the Diyas. And, this is not just it, it has very deep meanings that can give you an insight into how you need to live your life.
Shubham Karoti Kalyanam शुभं करोति कल्याणं meaning
I salute to the light which brings auspiciousness; prosperity, good health, the abundance of money and wealth, and the destruction of the intellect’s enemy.
This is what the whole sloka means when it’s translated. It simply wishes the best of all through praying the Deep or Diya.
The Diya brings all the positive energies and vibes with the destruction of the enemies.
If we look at the meanings of each word in sloka, they look like this.

- Subham = good / auspiciousness
- karoti = which does/brings
- kalyanam = prosperity
- arogyam = freedom from disease (good health)
- dhana = money (currency)
- sampadah = abundance of wealth
- shatru = enemy
- buddhi = intellect
- shatru = enemy
- shatrubuddhi = enemy of the intellect (ignorance)
- vinaasha = complete destruction
- Deepa = lamp
- Jyothi = light /glow / illumination
- namaha = salutation / paying respect
- astu = let it be
- te = you
- namosthute = I salute you.
This whole division clarifies the whole meaning and translation behind it. This shloka is recounted while lighting the light (deep).
Light is viewed as an image of propitiousness, flourishing, and plenitude in many societies.
Lighting a light (deepam) in the pooja room double a day, both in the morning and the evening, is a typical custom of Hindu practice.

All in all, the love begins with lighting the light. In addition, this training is additionally followed toward the start of a few favorable, profound, or get-togethers.
It is accepted that deepam is the image of knowledge. It drives away the obscurity of obliviousness from the brain and enlightens it with wisdom.
We salute such information, which carries joy and thriving to our lives.
A light can be utilized for lighting a few different lights causing a few overlay expansion in the light in the room without losing its solidarity.
Likewise, one can share his/her insight with others expanding our agreement and a feeling of minding without decreasing one’s insight.
In this manner, by bringing the brilliance of information, a scholarly individual’s adversary (obliviousness), which is equivalent to the dimness, is driven away.
In this way, when the light drives away the haziness, it is feasible to see things unmistakably.
Shubham Karoti Kalyanam शुभं करोति कल्याणं Shlok
Each evening the youngsters, children, or the elders in the family should light a ghee light before god.
From there on, collapsing delivers front on the god they ought to present Shubham Karoti shlok with an unmistakable heart and clean psyche.

Diyas represent goodness and virtue, and lighting them means dissipating murkiness and going into the light.
Diya is fundamental in Hinduism since it connotes immaculateness, goodness, best of luck, and power.
The presence of light means the non-presence of dimness and underhanded forces. There is more profound importance to the Diya.
The oil in the diya represents the soil in the human brain — like insatiability, envy, contempt, desire, and so forth — which individuals will generally support.
The cotton in the diya is representative of the Atma or oneself or the spirit.
The diya presents light when the oil is burnt by the wick. Consequently, lighting of the diyas means that one requirement is to dispose of the narrow-minded and materialistic contemplations.
This liberates one from all types of pity, directing the way to edification and interface with the Supreme Being.
As we light up the diya/light, it eliminates the haziness from our homes, suggesting that every one of the negative energies and energies is taken out from around us.
The light from the diya implies wisdom, while the obscurity it repulses is an image of our ignorance.
Lighting the light in our homes builds promise, sacredness, otherworldliness, and thriving in and around us, as the light represents these attributes.
All aspects of the diya represent one of the three fundamental Goddesses of the Hindu religion:
- The ghee/oil and the fire connote Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth.
- The brilliance of the fire looks like Goddess Saraswati, who presents us with wisdom and knowledge.
- The hotness from the fire implies Goddess Durga, who consumes with extreme heat and obliterates all malevolent.
The lit Diya initiates the positive emanation around us, along these lines warding every one of our concerns off.
Indeed, even experimentally and scientifically, it has been understood that the light drives away the negativity, fills our environmental factors with inspiration, and infiltrates our skin to fix our assemblage of normal sicknesses.
Shubham Karoti Kalyanam शुभं करोति कल्याणं Lyrics
shubham kurutvam kalyanam
aarogyam dhana sampadaha |
shubham kurutvam kalyanam
aarogyam dhana sampadaha ||
shatru buddhi vinashaya
deepajyotir namostute
deepajyotir namostute |
shubham kurutvam kalyanam
aarogyam dhana sampadaha |
Pa Sa Pa re ga
deepajyotir parabrahma
deepajyotir janardhanaha |
deepajyotir parabrahma
deepajyotir janardhanaha ||
deepo haratu me paapam
sandhya Deepa namostute |
shubham kurutvam kalyanam
aarogyam dhana sampadaha |
shubham kurutvam kalyanam
aarogyam dhana sampadaha ||
O deepa brahmarupastvam
jyotisham Prabhu ravyayaha |
O deepa brahmarupastvam
jyotisham Prabhu ravyayaha ||
aarogyam dehi putrashch
yahiswachhamhite sada |
shubham kurutvam kalyanam
aarogyam dhana sampadaha |
shubham kurutvam kalyanam
aarogyam dhana sampadaha ||
Pa Sa Pa re ga
drave rastam samanabhya
dhyavat suryodayo bhavet |
drave rastam samanabhya
dhyavat suryodayo bhavet ||
yasya drishti gruhe deepa
tasya naasti daridrata |
shubham kurutvam kalyanam
aarogyam dhana sampadaha |
shubham kurutvam kalyanam
aarogyam dhana sampadaha ||
shatru buddhi vinashaya
deepajyotir namostute
deepajyotir namostute |
shubham kurutvam kalyanam
aarogyam dhana sampadaha |
shubham kurutvam kalyanam
aarogyam dhana sampadaha ||
Shubham Karoti Kalyanam शुभं करोति कल्याणं Benefits
Discussing the Shubham Karoti Kalyanam शुभं करोति कल्याणं mantra in this design brings great wellbeing, bliss, flourishing, and prosperity to the entire family.

Lighting the Diya has always been a very regular tradition in Hindu homes, and reciting the Shubham Karoti Kalnayam along with it simply adds more value to it.
Many people have found this tradition to be very effective in their daily lives and its problems.
It eliminates the hurdles in people’s lives by being ignorant to the enemy’s intellect and the evil mindset.
It brings good health and an abundance of wealth. Also, when you light the Diya, you ask forgiveness for your sins.
Hence you ultimately become better in the daily affairs of your life.
Shubham Karoti Kalyanam Arogyam Dhansampada
शुभं करोति कल्याणमारोग्यं धनसंपदा ।
शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते ॥
दीपज्योतिः परब्रह्म दीपज्योतिर्जनार्दनः ।
दीपो हरतु मे पापं दीपज्योतिर्नमोऽस्तुते ॥
Shubham Karoti Kalyaannam-Aarogyam Dhana-Sampadaa |
Shatru-Buddhi-Vinaashaaya Diipa-Jyotir-Namostute ||
Diipa-Jyotih Para-Brahma Diipa-Jyotir-Janaardanah |
Diipo Haratu Me Paapam Diipa-Jyotir-Namostute ||
(Salutations to the Light of the Lamp) Which Brings Auspiciousness, Health, and Prosperity,
Which Destroys Inimical Feelings; Salutations to the Light of the Lamp.
(Salutations to the Light of the Lamp) The Light of the Lamp represents the Supreme Brahman, the Light of the Lamp represents Janardhana (Sri Vishnu),
Let the Light of the Lamp Remove My Sins; Salutations to the Light of the Lamp.