Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti यथा दृष्टि तथा सृष्टि is one of the oldest scriptures of Sanskrit literature.
Hindu literature has a diverse ocean of philosophical shlokas and phrases. The four Vedas make up the cosmic body of Sanskrit literature.
These Vedas carry within themselves a comprehensive guide to all aspects of life.
Many powerful shlokas on life and religion originally belong to such Sanskrit scriptures.
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti is one of such influential and inclusive Sanskrit shlokas.
This phrase has a viewpoint, thought, and faith in it. The amusing fact of this phrase and other phrases of Vedas is that it was cited thousands of years ago.
Yet still, the context and significance of these scriptures will remain valid till the end of time.
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti Meaning
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti is a Sanskrit scripture that dates back thousands of years.
But the implication of this phrase sustains over the years. The meaning of this phrase is very beautiful and is the ultimate key to happiness and life.
The phrase comprises four words. And these four words carry within themselves a cosmic range of senses, beliefs, and values.
These words are,
यथा (Yatha) – As / Like
दृष्टि (Drishti) – Vision / The way of looking at things
तथा (Tatha) – Same / Just like
शृष्टि (Srishti) – Creation / the world / experience
These words together make the whole phrase as,
यथा दृष्टि तथा शृष्टि
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti
“As is one’s vision, so is one’s experience.”
The meaning of this phrase is deeply rooted in its words. Our brain is the most complex yet the most powerful organ of our body.
It is the supervisor and the head of all our attitudes. It panels our thoughts, movements, feelings, and perceptions. It is basically the headquarters of all our activities.
But what if our brain starts controlling our thoughts to the point that we lose control of ourselves?
What if it drives us into a multifaceted array of negativities and darkness? Under such a case, how we will manage to keep ourselves sane?
How we will drive ourselves out from such pools of gloomy feelings?
The answer to this is simple but quite challenging. There is no doubt that our brain is the sole control of ourselves.
But we are much stronger than it. We can panel our brain towards positivities as well.
If we are determined, eager, and passionate about ourselves and our lives, we can achieve anything.
From controlling our thoughts to brainstorming our way towards optimism and hope, we can turn everything around.
This phrase also perceives this message. It is the message of hope and happiness. It tells us that we are the administrators of our positive selves.
If we have an eye for good, we will experience good in all ways. If we are determined to look towards a better life, we will get a better life.
But if we allow ourselves to fall into the traps of gloominess and depression, life also seems murky.
Thus, instead of having a negative vision, we should develop a positive one.
In this way, our life will also become progressive and blissful. This is the secret to a happy and contented life.
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti in Sanskrit
This phrase- Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti is Sanskrit in origin. It belongs to the oldest scriptures of Sanskrit literature.
Most of this literature belongs to the Sanskrit language.
It was the language of ancient India and the language of poets, philosophers, intellects, and theorists.
This language has given Hinduism its meaning, essence, and exquisiteness.
Repeated in many Hindu scriptures like “The Vedas” and “The Bhagavad Gita”, this phrase validates its significance.
The Sanskrit verdict of this phrase goes as,
यथा दृष्टि तथा शृष्टि
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti
“As is one’s vision,
so does the world appear to him.”
This means that how you perceive the world, the world will appear to you in the same way.
It is like when we are sad, even the brightest and the most cheerful things couldn’t make us happy.
But when we are happy and contented, we can easily ignore the upsetting things.
This shows the impact of our vision on our lives. If we are positive from the inside, everything seems easy.
We get stronger and we can move through all sorts of hindrances. But if are negative, even the slightest mischief can shatter us.
This is how we can practice self-management to provide ourselves with the boost we need in our lives.
This is how we can be the master of our own thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti Source
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti is a proverb, a phrase, and a shloka. It is among the most commonly used phrases in the Sanskrit language.
This phrase guides us towards a life of hope and happiness. There are many sources of this phrase.
The most prominent ones are those in “Bhagavad Gita” and the “Vedas”.
In both of these sources, the phrase is Sanskrit in origin.
It is a part of the oldest scriptures of Hinduism that will remain cosmic till the end of time.
The phrase mentions the nature of humankind and the influence of our thoughts on life. It says,
यथा दृष्टि तथा शृष्टि
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti
This means that our lives appear the same way we perceive them. The way we look at things in our lives will become like that.
It is exactly like whether you are a “glass half full” or a “glass half empty” person. Either you are optimistic, or you are pessimistic.
If you are an optimistic person, the glass will appear half full to you. This means you’ll see the positive side of things.
But if you are pessimistic, the glass will appear half empty to you. This means that you’ll only pick the negative portion of things.
The same goes for our lives. If we are positive and confident in our visions and thoughts, life will become easier and better.
While the negative attitude and wrong perceptions only make life bitter and complicated.
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate guiding book of Hinduism.
It is a divine scripture that holds in itself all the means to a better life.
Like many other verses and shlokas of Bhagavad Gita, this phrase is also spiritual and philosophical in its own way.
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti- a Sanskrit proverb/shloka says a lot about our attitudes.
In Bhagavad Gita, the many stories of Mahabharata are the true depiction of यथा दृष्टि तथा शृष्टि (Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti).
The Test of Yudhishthira and Duryodhana- an illustration to यथा दृष्टि तथा शृष्टि (Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti).
One of the stories from Mahabharata that displays as a good example for Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti is when Acharya tests the ideological thought process of Duryodhana and Prince Yudhishthira.
The story follows when Acharya Drona tests the mentality and practicality of the Mahabharata antagonist (Duryodhana) and the protagonist (Prince Yudhisthira).
To test this, Acharya ordered Duryodhana to go find a good man in this world and bring that man to him.
At the same time, he ordered Yudhishthira to bring a bad man.
Both of them, Duryodhana and Yudhishthira, went in search of their good and bad man respectively.
But after a lot of struggle and search, both of them came to Acharya empty-handed.
Duryodhana said he wasn’t able to find a single good person in this world.
While Yudhishthira said, he wasn’t able to find a single bad person in this world.
After this, all the disciples of Acharya asked what this matter is. How come none of them get a single good or a bad person?
To this Acharya replied, “यथा दृष्टि तथा शृष्टि (Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti).”
This means to Duryodhana everyone seems bad because his vision was bad; hence he couldn’t find a single good person.
While to Yudhishthira, everyone seems good because he had a good vision of life, he couldn’t find a bad person anywhere.
This story tells a lot about the attitude of our visions concerning life. Our lives are a reflection of our own thoughts and ideologies.
If we have a positive heart and mind, the world seems good.
But if we have a heart and mind full of negativities, the world appears the same negative to us.
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti Quotes
Dozens of quotes that are the interpretations to the message of यथा दृष्टि तथा शृष्टि (Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti).
These quotes demonstrate a strong memo to this shloka.
Some of these quotes are,
“यथा दृष्टि तथा शृष्टि (Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti) – You see what you are. You become what you believe. You see the world through a mirror, not a window.”
“If you think intrinsically everyone is good, then you will have peace, and you will blossom in your own positive qualities. But if you think intrinsically, people must be bad; then you will not only dislike yourself but dislike everybody around you.”
-Sri Sri
“यथा दृष्टि तथा शृष्टि (Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti) – Yes, it is indeed correct one’s thoughts and feelings both determine one’s karma. The way one perceives people and things around himself, they will appear in that very same way to him. If you see a person as a friend or an enemy, he will behave the same.”
-Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti Essay
यथा दृष्टि तथा शृष्टि (Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti)- is a Sanskrit proverb/shloka that belongs to the oldest scriptures of the Vedas and Bhagavad Gita.
This phrase is among all those spiritual and powerful verdicts that are celestial to humankind.
These kinds of shlokas bring a touch of divinity, intellect, and positivity to life. Therefore, they make a perfect guideline for leading life peacefully.
The meaning of this phrase demonstrates that our opinions are the symbol of our lives.
The way we perceive life depends on our own ideals, principles, and perceptions.
If we limit ourselves to only bad, we will emit bad, and we will recognize bad.
But if we focus ourselves on decency, we will become the epitome of betterment.
Self-management is the key to all forms of success and growth.
If we are capable of managing ourselves and directing our minds towards positiveness, we can do wonders.
But if we bound ourselves and lose control of our minds, then we will turn into a mess.
Our mind is like the evil enemy which deserves supervision and control. If we let it wander to negative energies around us, it will become the destruction of ourselves.
This phrase teaches us about positivity, hope, and ambition. It is a belief that helps you move in this world of calm and chaos.
The three significant dogmas extracted from the context of यथा दृष्टि तथा शृष्टि (Yatha Drishti Tatha Srishti) are,
- Self-management and self-recognition is the ultimate priority. The goal of a happy life is only achieved when you appreciate your own worth.
- Everything has a positive and a negative side to it. Focus on the positive, and you’ll forget about the negative.
- Life is far greater than the bad days. Life is not about bad experiences and bad days, but it is more about good thoughts and positive emotions.
These three points are the perfect guideline to a better, contended, and happy life.
If you strive for goodness, you should first dig goodness out of yourself. This is the only way to a better self and a better life.
- https://www.iuemag.com/november2015/aw/yatha-drishti-tatha-srishti.phphttps://www.quora.com/What-is-the-meaning-of-yatha-drasthi-tatha-shristi
- https://www.facebook.com/Avinashaol/posts/yatha-drishti-tatha-srishti-meaning-as-is-ones-vision-so-does-the-world-appear-t/985827068288199/
- https://www.hindisahityadarpan.in/2015/08/mahabharata-guru-dron-yudhsthir-duryodhana-story.html
- https://sharadarao.wordpress.com/tag/bhagavad-gita/
- https://www.artofliving.org/when-will-you-become-peaceful
- https://www.yourquote.in/deepika-nath-bq127/quotes